Upcoming performances

Wagner, Dvorak, Mendelssohn

September 12, 2024
at 18:00
Marienkirche Pirna

Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen

Wagner: Die Meistersinger von NĂĽrnberg

November 2, 2024
at 17:00
Opernhaus Bonn

Puccini: Tosca

December 6, 2024
at 19:30
Opernhaus Bonn


Welcome on the official website of orchestra conductor Hermes Helfricht. Please explore the website for more information, news and concert details!


Hermes Helfricht and Opera House Bonn continue their journey of rediscovering lost and forgotten opera treasures. In season 2023/24 Helfricht will conduct Werner Egk’s  Columbus.

He will lead new productions of Mozart’s Abduction from the Seraglio and Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin as well as performances of Rigoletto and Li-Tai-Pe.

Furthermore he will return to WĂĽrttemberg Philharmonic Reutlingen, Philharmonic Iasi and giving concerts with Beethoven Orchestra Bonn.

April 2023

Premiere of Franz Lehar’s Die lustige Witwe.

December 2022 

Recording of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s Ein Feldlager in Schlesien.

October 2022 

Premiere of Alberto Franchetti’s Asrael.

July 2022

Our Li-Tai-Pe Recording broadcasted on German WDR3 Radio is available just until July 19th 2022!
Please follow the link:


May/June 2022

At Bonn Opera House Hermes Helfricht will conduct Clemens Freiherr von Franckenstein’s rediscovered and rarely know opera Li Tai Pe (The emperors poet). Concerts of Camerata Hamburg, Philharmonic Reutlingen, Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen and Beethoven Orchestra Bonn.

December 2021

On December 12th 2021  the new production of Verdi’s Don Carlo (5act version in Italian) will be premiered at Bonn Opera House.

October 2021

Concerts with Camerata Hamburg, Catalan Chamber Orchestra and Beethoven Orchestra Bonn.

August 2021

Hermes Helfricht wins 3rd prize in the Jeunesses Musicales International Conducting Competition Bucharest.

July 2021

Hermes Helfricht joins Jerusalem Lyric Opera Studio’s summer program as Faculty Member.

May/June 2021

Hermes Helfricht was awarded the 2nd prize in the Lányi International Conducting Competition & 3rd prize in the Only Stage International Conducting Competition.